Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hobbies. Do they sell those on Amazon?

I'm curious what kinds of hobbies everyone out there has. I know we're all so busy with life and everything that goes into it, but we all need an outlet don't we? So I ask you, what do you do for fun? Here are my answers:

A hobby I have always loved is reading. I don't think I can ever get enough of a good book. I have a habit of re-reading my favorites ridiculous amounts of times. I think I've read Harry Potter, Twilight, and the Wheel of Time Series at least 8 times each. Tad always asks me how I manage that (he's not a big reader, I made him start Harry Potter a few years ago. It took him a YEAR to read the first book. That's as far as he got.), I always tell him it's just like him watching his favorite movies over and over. Only better. I can't tell you how many times he's seen Rush Hour. It feels like a guilty pleasure to sit for hours immersed in the loves and lives of intriguing characters. There are very few things that can get me to stay up past 11 pm, but I make an exception for awesome books. I'll stay up till 2 or 3 frequently telling myself 'just one more chapter' 5 or 6 times. And as an extension to that is...
Audio Books
Now that I'm a stay at home mom I find it incredibly hard to find the time enter Hogwarts. The solution, Audio books. It's so nice to have something to listen to while I do the dishes or clean the bathrooms. Or even while I help Wes set up his kitchen, or do his Dragon Tales puzzle for the 100th time. It helps keep me sane on those days when everything is driving me crazy. Great alternative. I have an Ipod Shuffle and I love it! Tad and I each got one with out credit card miles for Valentines Day. I highly recommend it. You'll also want an account with Itunes or a place like Audible so you can get audio books (which can be expensive) at a good price. I had an Audible account for a while and I loved it. For $20/month you get 2 credits, which is usually good for 2 books (unless it's a super popular book that might cost 2 credits).
Ok, so that's obvious. I love blogging. It's so nice to have a place where I can put out my ideas to the world, and interact with different kinds of people. I never realized how many different types of blogs there were until I started my own. There's something for everyone.
Movies & TV
It's painfully obvious to anyone who's read my blog that I love movies and tv shows. I'm a sucker for a captivating tale, especially if it's accompanied by a devastatingly handsome leading man. Tad is of a like mind with me, so our go-to date night is dinner and a movie.

I started running every morning a couple of months ago, and I'm surprised at how much I've come to enjoy it. In high school I never thought about exercising because I had 2 hours of basketball practice every day. But now, sadly, I have NO daily organized exercise routine to depend on. What I DO have is a body that's grown and pushed out 2 children, 8 years of post-high school weight gain, and a fondness for York Peppermint Patties. Therefore A+B=Pleasantly Plump. Time for a change. So started training myself to get up at 6 and go running, it wasn't always easy but I've persevered. Although, what keeps me going is 30% getting skinny, and 70% time alone with my Ipod Shuffle and audio books where no one is interrupting me with questions about sippy cups. Either way I've noticed a lot of great things developing because of this new hobby. Looking better in my clothes, having more patience with my kids, a desire to eat healthier, feeling sexier about myself (Tad enjoys that one too), and just being happier in general. If you're looking for any of those things get out your sneakers and find the time. You wont be sorry you did.
I love trying new recipes, provided they are easy ones with ingredients I generally have in my kitchen. I used to buy lots of those recipe magazines, but I find that getting recipes off of blogs is a lot easier. Not to mention cheaper, faster, and has a wider range. Two of my favorite recipe blogs are It's a Keeper and Stephanies Kitchen. Check them out!
I recently started back at college. While this isn't exactly a hobby, it's something I'm really enjoying. I love sitting in a classroom and learning. That sounds dorky, I know, but after a 6 year hiatus it's really fun to go back. You don't have to go back for a degree either, you can just take a class or two. Or just take classes from an independent person on a specialized skill like cooking, sewing, dancing, painting, writing, whatever interests you. If you're curious about something give it a try!

Well that's my list, what's on yours?


  1. I'm a runner too!! Love it...hate it...Love to hate it, hate to love it. I love the way I feel after a good workout!!! Glad to see I am not the only one who finds patience with my children after a good run... who would have thought it?!?!?! Have a great weekend! :-)

  2. I really want to start getting up early to exercise. My husband tells me he has so much more energy when he works outs. But I try a day & then I'm exhausted. I need to make myself stick with it because I know I will feel better if I do.

    I love to read too.

  3. It's for sure a love/hate relationship for me too. My kids sure do appreciate the extra patience it gets them. Plus it gives you endorphins. And we all know that "exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people don't shoot their husbands. They just don't" But it's so worth it. I can't believe how many benefits there are to it. :)

    It was really hard for me to make it a habit too. The first week or two you're so exhausted, but it gets better after that and you really do have more energy. Plus once your start feeling fitter you feel EXTRA GOOD! I can't go without my audio books. You should try that Katy. It gives me something else to focus on, and it's time alone enjoying a good book. It makes running a treat. If you've never done audio books before you might want to start with one of your favorite books you've already read. It takes a while to learn how to pay attention and not get distracted by things. Sorry, that was super long!



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