One of my most intimidating goals for this new move is to cut back on my grocery bill as much as I can without feeding our family solely on ramen noodles. I searched around the web for some tips that I found realistic and useful, and this is a list I liked from WebMD.
Buy produce in season. Check the food section in your
newspaper to find the best buys for the week, based on fresh produce in
season. Food in season is usually priced to sell. During the summer
months, corn on the cob can cost as little as 10 cents an ear; at other
times of the year, it may cost 10 times as much. Also, shop your local
farmers' market for great deals on local produce; the prices won't
include shipping costs.
If you're curious as to which season goes with which produce here's a list to help:

Use sales and coupons. Planning meals around what's on
sale can lower your grocery bills, especially if you also use coupons
(make sure they're for item you would buy anyway). Sunday newspapers are
full of coupons and sales circulars to get you started. It's also a
good idea to stock up on staples when they're on sale. "Buy one, get one
free" is basically a technique to get you to buy twice as much as you
need at half the price. At some markets, though, the product rings up
half-price -- so you don't have to buy more than one to get the savings.
Use your freezer to store sale items that can be used at a later date.
To be honest coupons have always intimidated me, but there are loads of websites out there to help the coupon-illiterate such as myself. Like But only use coupons on items you were going to buy anyways! You can spend a lot of money buying things you never needed to have just because it was a 'good deal'. A good deal, is only a good deal if it saves you money!

Brown-bag it. Making lunch and taking it with you is a
great money-saver and an excellent use of leftovers for meals at work,
school, or wherever your destination. "Packing your lunch not only saves
you money, but you can control all the ingredients so they are healthy
and low in calories," says Diekman, who is nutrition director at
Washington University. Pack a simple sandwich, salad, soup, wrap, and/or
a hearty snack of cheese. Use freezer packs and containers to keep food
at the proper temperature unless you have access to a refrigerator.
This is something that I really believe in. I think most people have NO IDEA how much money they spend eating out. But just think about it, even if you only spend $5 a day on eating lunch out that's $25 a week and $100 a month just for YOU. If your spouse is doing the same it's double that! And let's be honest, it's never just $5. If people would just pack leftovers or something simple like a sandwich they would save SO MUCH MONEY. Plus it's so much healthier.

Think frozen, canned, or dried. Next time you're
gathering ingredients for a recipe, try using frozen, canned, or dried
foods. They may be less expensive than fresh, yet are equally
nutritious. Produce is typically frozen, canned, or dried at the peak of
ripeness, when nutrients are plentiful. Fish and poultry are often
flash-frozen to minimize freezer damage and retain freshness. With
frozen foods, you can use only the amount you need, reseal the package,
and return it to the freezer. If it's properly stored, there's no waste.
Canned foods are often sitting in a bath of juice, syrup, or salty
water, and usually require rinsing. Dried fruits are concentrated in
flavor and a great substitute for fresh fruit. Also consider using
powdered or evaporated versions of milk in soups, casseroles, mashed
potatoes, or desserts. Buy the form that gives you the best price for
your needs.
This can save you money for sure, but make sure you check labels!

Save on protein foods. When possible, substitute
inexpensive, vegetarian sources such as beans, eggs, tofu, and legumes
for more expensive meat, fish, or poultry. Eat vegetarian once a week or
more to increase your consumption of healthy plant foods while saving
money. Eggs are an excellent, inexpensive source of protein that can be
eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You could also try using a
smaller portion of meat, fish, or poultry and extending the dish with
whole grains, beans, eggs, and/or vegetables.
When you do buy meat, choose smaller portions of lean cuts. For
example, lean cuts of beef are those that include the terms "loin" or
"round." (You can tenderize lean cuts of meat mechanically or by
marinating it.) You can also buy a whole chicken and cut it up instead
of paying the butcher to do it for you, or buy the cheaper "family pack"
and portion it into airtight freezer bags.
Money saver, and healthier!

Waste not, want not. Before you toss perishable food
into your grocery cart, think about exactly how you'll use it. The
Environmental Protection Agency estimates that Americans generate
roughly 30 million tons of food waste each year. Using leftover
vegetables, poultry, or meat in soups, stews, salads, and casseroles
minimizes cost and demonstrates your creativity in the kitchen. For
example, have a roasted chicken for dinner one night, and use the
leftovers for dinner the next night. Try topping a bed of fresh greens
with vegetables, fruits, and slices of leftover chicken. Add a loaf of
whole-grain bread, and presto! You've got a nutritious meal in minutes.
You can also eat leftovers for breakfast or take them with you for
I can't tell you how many tomatoes and strawberries I've wasted because I didn't use them in time. I always think I'm going to save them for something special because they're more expensive, but usually that just means they go bad.

Go generic. Consider buying store brands instead of
pricier national brands. "All food manufacturers follow standards to
provide safe food and beverage products of high quality," says Earl.
Many grocery companies buy national-brand products made to their
specifications and simply put their own label on the products. Read the
ingredient list on the label to be sure you're getting the most for your
money. Ingredients are listed in order by weight. So when you're buying
canned tomatoes, look for a product that lists tomatoes, not water, as
the first ingredient. Also look for simpler versions of your favorite
foods. For example, buy oatmeal or simple flaked or puffed cereals that
contain fewer additives and are less expensive (and often healthier)
than fancier cereals.
For most things going generic does not mean losing taste or quality. Most of the time you're paying for packaging or characters. There are only a few items that I wont buy generic like mac n'cheese for the kids!

Buy prepackaged only if you need it. Unless you have a
coupon or the item is on sale, buying prepackaged, sliced, or washed
products comes with a higher price tag. Still, people living alone may
find that smaller sizes of perishable products or bags of prepared
produce eliminate waste and fit their needs best, despite the extra
cost. You can also save money (and boost nutrition) by passing up the
aisles with processed foods, cookies, snack foods and soda.
I'll admit that I love having some 'emergency meals' on hand for those nights that I'm just feeling lazy. My crowd pleaser in a pinch is Stoffers Chicken Alfredo Pasta, even my kids will eat it with a smile! But other than that I try not to get to many things where I'm paying for preparation rather than the food.

Buy and cook in bulk. Joining a bulk shopping
club, like Sam's, Costco, or BJ's, can be cost-effective
if you frequent the club regularly. Bulk purchases can be a great way
to save money -- as long as they get used. You might also look in your
community for shopping cooperatives that sell food in bulk at a
substantial savings. Cooking in bulk can save both money and time, says
Tallmadge. "Prepare food in bulk and freeze into family-sized portions,
which saves time in the kitchen," she suggests. For example, making a
big batch of tomato sauce will less expensive (and probably tastier)
than buying some.
I love my Costco Membership, and if you do their 'executive membership' you can actually get a check in the mail once a year for extra savings! Although you do need to be careful about the items you're buying in bulk, because just because they give you more doesn't mean you're saving more. Especially if most of it goes bad.

Plant a garden. For benefits that go beyond cost
savings, plant your own produce. There's nothing better than a
summer-fresh tomato from the garden. Tomatoes even grow well in
containers if you don't have space for a garden, and some neighborhoods
offer community gardening spaces. Start small, and see how easy it is to
grow fresh herbs or a few simple vegetables. And if you invest a little
time in freezing or canning your harvest, you can enjoy summer's bounty
all year long.
Just thinking about growing a garden is one of those things that makes me feel like I'm covered in dirt and bugs and pulling weeds for hours! Being in Las Vegas, and in a rental makes it a little difficult to do the plant a garden thing anyways, but you can always do those topsy-turvy planters that grow tomatoes and strawberries! Less scary, and more manageable!
And, of course, MEAL PLANNING can save you time and money, and did I mention money? DO IT!!
If anyone has any other tips for me on how I can cut my grocery cost please share!!!!!